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Giancarlo Bernasconi

List of Publications

Publications on International Journals and Books

  • Dell’Aversana, P., Bernasconi, G., Miotti, F., Rovetta, D., Joint inversion of rock properties from sonic, resistivity and density well-log measurements, Geophysical Prospecting, 59, 1144-1154, 2011.
  • Rovetta, D., Bosisio, A., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Detection of anomalies inside hollow metal cylindrical structures, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 18, 613–634, 2010.
  • Bernasconi, G.: P- and S-wave migration of while drilling data. BGTA, 49, 255-264, 2008.
  • Rocca, F., Vassallo, M., Bernasconi, G.: Three-dimensional seismic-while-drilling (SWD) migration in the angular frequency domain. Geophysics, 70, S111-S120, 2005.
  • Bernasconi, G., Rampa, V.: High-quality compression of MWD signals. Geophysics, 69, 849-858, 2004.
  • Bernasconi, G., Vassallo, M.: Efficient data compression for seismic-while-drilling applications. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 41, 687-696, 2003.
  • Beretta, M. M., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: AVO-A inversion for fractured reservoir characterization. Geophysics, 67, 300-306, 2002.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: 3-D Traveltimes and amplitudes by gridded rays. Geophysics, 66, 277-282, 2001.
  • Beretta, M. M., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Linearized inversion of vertically fractured media. Geophysical Journal International, 143, 965-968, 2000.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized Target Oriented Inversion: application to real data. Amplitude Preserving Seismic Reflection Imaging, Geophysical Press, Edited by Peter Hubral, 1998.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized Target Oriented Inversion: application to real data. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 6, 143-158, 1997.
  • Ravagnan, G., Mazzotti, A., Melis, A.M., Bernasconi, G.: AVO signatures of actual and synthetic reflections from different petrophysical targets, Geophysical Prospecting, 42, 463-476, 1994.
  • G. Bernasconi et al.: Modeling The Earth For Oil Exploration, Chapter 7, Seismic Inversion and the Impact of a priori Information, Edited by Klaus Helbig, Pergamon Press, Brussels, 1994.

Publications on International Conferences

  • Giunta, G., Dionigi, F., Bassan, A., Veneziani, M., Bernasconi, G., Del Giudice, S., Rovetta, D., Schiavon, R., Zanon, F., THIRD PARTY INTERFERENCE AND LEAK DETECTION ON BURIED PIPELINES FOR RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION OF FLUIDS, 10th Offshore Mediterranean Conference, Ravenna, March 23-25, 2011.
  • Giunta, G., Dionigi, F., Bernasconi, G., Del Giudice, S., Rovetta, D., Vibroacoustic monitoring of pigging operations in subsea gas transportation pipelines, ASNT Fall Conference & Quality Testing Show, Palm Springs, CA, USA, October 24-28, 2011.
  • Del Giudice, S., Rovetta, D., Bernasconi, G., Ravasio, A.: Effects of interface rugosity on elastic wave propagation, EAGE Meeting, 2010.
  • Miotti, F., Bernasconi, G., Rovetta, D., Dell’Aversana, P.: Estimation of rock properties from seismic, EM and gravity well-log measurements, EGM 2010.
  • Miotti, F., Rovetta, D., Bernasconi, G.: Joint inversion of well log data, SEG Meeting, 2009.
  • Arosio, D., Bernasconi, G., Mazzucchelli, P., Rovetta, D., Zanzi, L.: Localization Algorithms for Search and Rescue Applications, Near Surface Meeting, 2009.
  • Miotti, F., Bernasconi, G., Rovetta, D.: Joint Inversion of Rock Properties - A Case Study, EAGE Meeting, 2009.
  • Bernasconi, G., Rovetta, D.: Automatic localization of acoustic sensors, SAGEEP, 2009.
  • Bernasconi, G., Rovetta, D.: Bayesian inversion of traveltimes for cavity location, Proceedings Internat. Meeting SAGEEP,  2008.
  • Bernasconi, G., Rovetta, D.: Estimation of bit position and velocity model while drilling, Proceedings Internat. Meeting SEG, 2007.
  • Bernasconi, G., Re, S.: Seismic and geometrical attributes from image gathers, SEG Meeting, 2005.
  • Bernasconi, G., Vassallo, M.: Multicomponent SWD, Multicomponent Seismic - Past, Present and Future, EAGE-SEG Research Workshop, 2005.
  • Re, S., Bernasconi, G.: Adaptive noise compensation and equalization in mud pulse telemetry, EAGE Meeting, 2005.
  • Vassallo, M., Bernasconi, G., Rampa, V.: Bit bounce detection using neural networks, SEG Meeting, 2004.
  • Lipari, V., Andreoletti, C., Bernasconi, G., Bienati, N., Cazzola, L., Drufuca, G.: Some practical issues  related to migration in the angle domain, SEG Meeting, 2004.
  • Vassallo, M., Bernasconi, G.: SWD data migration with regularization of illumination in the angle domain, EAGE Meeting, 2004.
  • Vassallo, M., Bernasconi, G.: Continuation operators for SWD geometry, SEG Meeting, 2003.
  • Grandi, A., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Reflection coefficients for isotropic-fractured interfaces, EAGE Meeting, 2003.
  • Bernasconi, G., Vassallo, M.: Drilling vibrations modeling and drillstring imaging, SEG Meeting, 2002.
  • Bernasconi, G.: KIRCHHOFF DEPTH MIGRATION OF 3D SWD DATA, EAGE Meeting, 2002
  • Vassallo, M., Bernasconi, G.: DRILLING RIG NOISE REMOVAL IN SWD DATA, EAGE Meeting, 2002.
  • Andreoletti, C., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: BANDWIDTH MIGRATION WITH FRESNEL VOLUMES, EAGE Meeting, 2002.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Grandi, A.: Combined effects on seismics of fractures and dips. 10th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy, Tutzing, april 2002.
  • Bernasconi, G., Vassallo, M.: Compression of downhole data for SWD applications. SEG Meeting, 2001.
  • Bernasconi, G., Vassallo, M.: Estimation of drill-bit rotation velocity with surface and downhole dynamics measurements. SEG Meeting, 2001.
  • Beretta, M., Bernasconi, G., Colombo, A., Drufuca, G.: Comparison of averaging processes for equivalent fine layered media. 63° EAEG Meeting, Amsterdam, 2001.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Grandi, A.: Sampling issues in the reflectivity method for general anisotropic media, 63° EAEG Meeting, Amsterdam, 2001.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Boiardi, B.: Bright spot validation from multicomponent data: a real case in the Po plain. Proceedings X Congreso Venezolano de Geofisica, 2000.
  • Beretta, M. M., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Fractured reservoir characterization: a linearized inversion approach. 62 EAEG Meeting, Glasgow, 2000.
  • Beretta, M. M., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: AVO-A inversion for fractured reservoir characterization. Proc. Workshop on seismic signatures of fluid transport, Berlin, 2000.
  • Bernasconi, G., Rampa, V., Abramo, F., Bertelli, L.: Compression of downhole data. Proceedings SPE/IADC 1999 DRILLING CONFERENCE, 1999, 351-359.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Boiardi, B.: Linearized inversion of multicomponent data for bright spot validation. 61 EAEG Meeting, Session 4-30, Helsinki, 1999.
  • Beretta, M., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Linearized inversion of vertically fractured media. 61 EAEG Meeting, Helsinki, P168, 1999.
  • Miranda, F., Poletto, F., Abramo, F., Craglietto, A., Bernasconi, G.: SWD surface and downhole pilot recording to improve PDC bit signals, 61° EAEG Meeting, Session 2-43, Helsinki, 1999.
  • Battù, L., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Calculation of traveltimes by gridded rays in 3D media, 60 EAEG Meeting, Lipsia, 1998.
  • Malusa, M., Poletto, F., Miranda, F., Bernasconi, G.: SWD Interpretation by modelling of pilot and seismic signals, 60 EAEG Meeting, Lipsia, 1998.
  • Garavaglia, F., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: 3D pre-stack migration of the SEG/EAGE Overthrust model, SEG Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 1998.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized Target Oriented Inversion: application to real data, Karlsruhe Workshop on Amplitude-Preserving Seismic Reflection Imaging, Seeheim, 1997.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized Target Oriented Inversion: application to real data, 58 EAEG Meeting, Amsterdam, 1996.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized Target Oriented Inversion: application to real data, Winter Symposium on "Reservoir Geophysics", Venezia, 1996.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Datuming for Target Oriented Inversion in the k-wdomain, 57 EAEG Meeting, Glasgow, 1995.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized elastic inversion in the k-wdomain, 56 EAEG Meeting, Vienna, 1994.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Linearized elastic inversion in the k-wdomain, SEG Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, 1994.
  • Lambaré, G., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Extension of Reflectivity to Smooth Media, 55 EAEG Meeting, , Stavanger, 1993.
  • Ravagnan, G., Mazzotti, A., Melis, A.M., Bernasconi, G.: Prestack seismic signatures of actual and synthetic reflections from different petrophysical targets, 54° EAEG Meeting, Paris, 1992.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Calculation of Travelimes by Gridded Rays, 62 SEG Meeting, New Orleans,  1992.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: 2D Modelling of Thin Layers; 53 EAEG Meeting, Firenze, 1991.
  • Bernasconi, G., Spagnolini, U.: Waveform dependent AVO and PVO analysis, 52° EAEG Meeting, Copenhagen,  1990.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Rays and Reflectivity: an Intermediate Approach; 60 SEG Meeting, San Francisco, 1990.

Publications on National Conferences

  • Bernasconi, G.: P and S-waves migration of while drilling data, Atti 25° Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS, 2006.
  • Bernasconi, G., Re, S.: Automatic extraction of attributes maps from angle gathers, Atti 24° Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS, 2005
  • Bernasconi, G.: Migrazione di dat SWD-3D nelle frequenze angolari. Atti 23° Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS, Roma, 2004.
  • Bernasconi, G.: Migrazione sismica 3D "while drilling". Atti Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS, Roma, 2001.
  • Beretta, L., Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Migrazione di dati sismici 3D. Atti Workshop "CALCOLO AD ALTE PRESTAZIONI IN ITALIA (CAPI)", Milano, 2000.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Wave propagation modelling for geophysical applications. Atti Workshop "CALCOLO AD ALTE PRESTAZIONI IN ITALIA (CAPI)", Milano, 1998.
  • Beretta, M.M., Bernasconi, G.: Inversione dei parametri elastici in mezzi anisotropi. Atti 17° Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS, Roma, 1998.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G., Rocca, F.: Inversione linearizzata multicomponente. Atti 13° Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS, Roma, 1994.
  • Bernasconi, G., Pirera, F.: Applicazione del metodo della riflettività a modelli di tipo crostale, Atti 10° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Roma, 1991.
  • Bernasconi, G., Drufuca, G.: Coefficienti di riflessione e di trasmissione per mezzi non elastici; Atti 9° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Roma, 1990.
  • Bernasconi, G., Melis, A.M.: Studi di AVO e PVO con l'equazione d'onda in stratificazioni piane e parallele, Atti 8° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Roma, 1989.

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